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Pengertian Sepak Bola Lengkap

Rangkuman Materi Bola Besar PENJAS Rangkuman materi sepakbola. Tapi sayang, masih banyak orang yang belum mengenal lebih jauh tentang bola, berikut ini rangkumannya. Sepak bola: Sejarah, Pengertian Teknik dan Peraturannya - Sepak bola merupakan salah satu permainan beregu. Setiap regu terdiri atas 11 pemain, termasuk 1 orang penjaga gawang (keeper). Xforce key generator for autodesk 3ds max 2013. Permainan ini sangat memerlukan keterampilan gerak kaki dan tungkai. Sejarah sepak bola modern yang telah mendapat pengakuan dari berbagai pihak menyatakan bahwa asal muasal sepak bola berasal dari Inggris. Permainan sepak bola tersebut telah simainakan sejak pertengahan abad ke 19 di sekolah-sekolah.

Materi Tentang Sepak Bola



This study aims to describe learning outcomes through the application of PAKEM learning model. The subjects of the study were the students of grade IVb SD Negeri 013 Mekarsari. Improvement of learning outcomes in terms of four categories, namely the ability to absorb, the effectiveness of learning, mastery of student learning both mastery of individual and classical completeness and mastery of learning outcomes. Instruments used for data collection are oral tests and written tests in the form of LKS conducted after the learning process. The results showed that the percentage of student completeness increased from 19.40% to 55.40% categorized well, the effectiveness of learning is categorized very effective with an average of 88.46%. While the completeness of student learning outcomes expressed. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the application of PAKEM learning model can improve learning outcomes on the material of the students of class IV B grade SD Negeri 013 Mekarsari.